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Autumn Term


Our RE units this term starts with Old Testament stories. We look at some classic ones such as Jonah and the Whale, Daniel and the lion’s den and David and Goliath. We then move on to sharing in the life of Jesus where we think about important people in his life and important experiences for him. We also think about how this can have an impact on our own lives and how Jesus wants us to follow the path God sets for us. We will then be thinking about the importance of advent on the lead up the Christmas celebrations, with a focus on the symbols of advent and how we can ensure we are prepared to celebrate Christmas as true Catholics.


We start in September with an transition fiction unit called 'Umbrella.' During this unit the children will take part in discussions taking turns and listening to what others say. They will infer character's feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions. Learning that a story has a character that faces a problem and the ending has a resolution. They children will write their own version of the story as a final piece.



During this term we will be covering:


Unit 1 – Numbers to 100

Unit 2 – Addition and subtraction (1)

Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction (2)

Unit 4 – Properties of shape



In Science, we will learn all about materials. Throughout our learning in the Autumn term, we look at the different properties that materials can have, what makes a material suitable depending on its properties, how the shapes of objects can be changed, learning the difference between natural and man-made materials, what materials are waterproof and using our investigation skills with materials.


In Geography we are learning all about the UK and its countries. We will be thinking about the capital cities as well as features of each of the places.  We will also be thinking about a costal part of the UK and making some comparisons with a particular focus on human and physical features of a costal part of the UK and Stafford.  


In History we will learn all about 'The Great Fire of London.' We make contrasts between then and now which are so clear. We also gain experience of using historical evidence to reconstruct the past and work on developing our understanding of cause and consequence. 


In Art we are studying the famous artist, Vincent van Gogh. We will study some of his most famous pieces of artwork such as sunflowers and starry night,
experiment with tone and texture through line drawings and have a go at creating our own versions.



In Autumn 1, will be making a wallet or purse to keep money safe. We will learn how to thread a needle and then using a fabric cut out, we will use a simple running stitch to join two pieces together before decorating the front of it. After half term, we will investigate how to make a chair using our knowledge and learning of structures.


We will starting the term with thinking about how we can stay safe online before moving on to searching using the internet and making music.



We will be investigating pulse, pitch and note duration (long and short).  Our unit focus is: Music that helps us make friends! What music do we like to dance to?  We will be learning songs based around this theme. We will also continue to learn to play the glockenspiel to develop our improvisation and composition skills.



During the Autumn term, we will be learning about the story from the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus welcomed all of the little children to come to Him. The five-story sessions encourage children to understand that they are created by God out of love and for love. The children will be learning about rules beyond school, our local environment and jobs within our community. During the second half of the Autumn term, the children will be learning about how they are unique, the differences between boys and girls bodies and how they can keep their bodies and teeth healthy.



During Autumn 1, our Catholic Virtues are Grateful and Generous and our Catholic Social Teachings are Human Dignity and Stewardship.


During Autumn 2, our Catholic Virtues are Attentive and Discerning and our Catholic Social Teachings are Solidarity and The Common Good.
