English incorporates a variety of focuses throughout our school, including writing, reading, grammar, phonics and spelling. Each area is important in its own way and by using them together, the children at BMT can achieve in areas across the curriculum! Please head back to our page to have a look at what classes have been up to across the term.
English Curriculum statement
English Progression documents
'English at Blessed Mother Teresa's Catholic Primary School'
Here at Blessed Mother Teresa's, we encourage children to have a love of reading. We immerse children into a focus text during our English sessions and also enjoy class reads together.
Here are what some of the children have said about their reading:
'I enjoy reading a variety of books; non-fiction is my favourite because some of the facts you find out about are fascinating'.
'I didn't think I'd like fantasy books, but the way my teacher reads it makes me excited to know what happens next!'
'The Best of the Best' - Here are some of our author focuses for this half term!