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What to Expect in the EYFS - A Guide for Parents



At Blessed Mother Teresa's we meet requirements of the primary curriculum and use schemes of work and a variety of resources to meet the needs of all children.


All children are taught in single year groups and the consideration of the needs of all learners are carefully planned for and assessed by teaching staff. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that engages pupils and equips them ready for the next stage of their learning. 

 Each class page will tell you about the curriculum being taught in each year group - pupil planners also have some very useful information about the curriculum and age expected learning.  

Please contact your child's class teacher for more information about our curriculum.

By clicking on the following link you can find out more about the National Curriculum from the Government website:



Teaching staff continually assess pupils daily during lessons, through marking of work and pupils discussions. The school has a marking policy which celebrates children's achievements and identifies next steps for learning. Summative assessments also takes place throughout the year, and this allows teaching staff to set learning targets.


Statutory Assessment

Early Years: Children are assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile on entry to the school and information is shared through the pupils learning journeys with parents. 
Key Stage One and Two Statutory tests (S.A.T.s) take place at the end of year two and six. Parents are informed of their child’s results as soon as possible in their end of year report. 

Year One children also undertake the phonics screening test towards the end of the year, and results are provided for parents.  

We have two formal parents evening a year to share pupils work, discuss progress against age expectations and provide targets and suggestions for home support. At the end of each year parents receive a written report on the progress and achievements of their children. 

Class Curriculum

Please visit our class pages to find out more about your child's curriculum.

Phonics & Reading

In school we use Read Write Inc.

You can follow the links on our phonics page to find out more.


In school we use Read Write Inc. reading books, it is highly structured reading programme which ensures children are reading decodable books as they develop and gain phonic knowledge and designed for the pupils to be able to read for themselves. We have a variety of additional reading books which enabling school adults, children and families to share and enjoy book time together, these books are included for adults to read to read stories to children.

You can follow the following links to find out more about our chosen reading schemes:




