Summer Term
During the Summer term, we will be using a range of texts to explore the genres of a narrative, persuasive advert, diary and instructions. Through the variety of genres, the children will be creating a range of descriptive sentences, writing in a past and present tenses and using a variation of conjunctions to develop their sentence structure.
Catching up on:
Unit 8 - Length and height
Unit 9 - Mass, capacity and temperature
During the rest of the term we will be covering:
Unit 10 - Fractions
Unit 11 - Position & Direction
Unit 12 - Problem Solving & Efficient Methods
Unit 13 - Time
Unit 14 - Statistics
Our RE units this term starts with Easter, where the children will learn about a range of stories about the Resurrection and the Risen Jesus, the other characters involved and their reactions. They will also be able to identify the symbols used during the Easter Season and explain their significance. The next unit of study is Pentecost where the children will understand the story and recognise the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. Our third unit of work is based around Parables and Miracles. During this unit, the children will know a range of parables and miracles and understand Jesus’ qualities as a healer and teacher. They will also learn that the Church carries on Jesus’ work of healing through the Sacrament of the Sick. Our final unit of the year is The Mass understanding of the sequence of the Mass and of the meaning of some of the words and actions. They will also understand some reasons why the Mass is an important celebration for the Church.
In Science, we will learn all about living things and their habitats, where the children will learn how we know if something is alive, what a habitat is, what different habitats there are, what a microhabitat is, how animals get their food and how they are adapted to their habitat. The unit following this is, plants. We will learn that fruits, vegetables and herbs are all types of plants that we eat, what a seed is, how seeds germinate and grow into plants. The children will also learn about the conditions plants need to grow successfully, the different ways in which plants grow and their life cycles.
In History this term, the children are learning all about the lives of Mary Seacole and Sarah Forbes Bonetta. They will learn who both women are and what they did. The children will then make inferences about both women's lives from sources of evidence linking to the Victorian times and slavery. They will make comparisons between what was significant during the Victorian times compared to today.
In Geography we are learning all about Africa. We will locate where the continent is and what countries make up Africa, investigate the capital city of Zambia - Lusaka, identifying its physical and human features as well as comparing its river use to ours. We will then discover how people protect their homes from wild animals, compare our own homes etc with Murgarameno, compare the lives of children here and there as well as comparing shopping and recycling habits.
We will be starting the term with the children learning about how to make music using the software 2sequence on Purple Mash which links to the strand of Computer Science. We will then play our music to each other and evaluate it. In Summer 2, we will be learning about what algorithms are and how we can use them to create a set of instructions on 2Code.
In PE this term, the children will develop and apply their dynamic balance on a line and stance through focused skill development sessions, cooperative and competitive games. Following this, the children will develop and apply their ball skills and counter balance with a partner through focused skill development sessions, cooperative and competitive games.
We will be exploring improvisation and learning about the musical elements found in different songs. In Summer 2, our unit focus is: Our Big Concert where they will be learning and then performing a variety of songs.
In Summer 1, will be making ferris wheels by understanding what axles are and how they then move to rotate an object, what properties the materials should have that would be used to make the ferris wheel and then make the final product to evaluate. After half term, we will be taking part in the Little Inventors Challenge. The children will come up with their very own inventions to solve everyday problems. Get ready to be a Little Inventor!
In Art we are studying the famous sculptor, Andy Goldsworthy. We will learn some facts about him and be able to think about his artwork critically before completing both an observational drawing and watercolour study. We will then explore lines and circles in drawing before designing a land art sculpture using a range of natural materials found in our environment.
During the Summer term, we will be learning about how we can stay safe both on and offline, the different types of secrets/what we should do about them, what physical contact is appropriate/inappropriate, harmful substances and how we stay safe with medicine. In Summer 2, we will be learning about the Holy Trinity and who is my neighbour? We will then think about the communities that we live in before learning about economic wellbeing and money.
During Summer 1, our Catholic Virtues are Eloquent and Truthful and our Catholic Social Teachings are Promoting Peace.
During Summer 2, our Catholic Virtues are Learned and Wise and our Catholic Social Teachings are Rights and Responsibilities.