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All  homework is due in on Friday morning. 

Each Friday the children will record the given homework in their planner. Therefore it is essential they bring their planners into school.


Spellings are given every Friday.

The children are to practise the spellings and complete sentences using the spellings on the reverse of the sheet (alternatively dictionary definition could be written.)

Spelling test will be every Friday too.


Maths  - This maybe a request for the children to complete Timestable Rock Star, a task on PurpleMash or complete a timestable worksheet. 


Reading - The children are encouraged to read daily as this improves their knowledge, comprehension, spelling, grammar, writing and imagination. Reading should be recorded in their planner by themselves but then signed by an adult. Reader of the week will be given to a child who has impressed with their home reading that week.


Additional - An additional piece will also be set. This maybe art, RE, topic related or even extra English or maths. 

Century Tech
