Reading in School
Daily Story Time
We are committed to reading aloud to our children every day.
Reading aloud enables all children to access quality texts but it also enables the teacher to model expressive and fluent reading to the children.
Every class in school has a shared class read and a story time every day.
Books are available for children to read at anytime during the day, including break and lunchtimes.
Guided Reading
Our guided reading approach is structured on research into comprehension strategy instruction, as recommended by the EEF.
The aims of the sessions are to enable all children to engage with texts, respond to them, talk about them and developing deeper understanding (comprehension).
Once children have completed RWI Phonics, they take part in our school guided reading sessions.
During the sessions, we focus on developing the key comprehension strategies through careful modelling and supported practice.
Guided reading sessions use a wide variety of texts and to:
Reading at Home
Evidence strongly suggests that parents and the home environment are essential to the early teaching of reading and fostering a love of reading.
Key findings from the evidence include:
• Parental involvement in a child’s literacy has been reported as a more powerful force than other family background variables, such as social class, family size and level of parental education (Flouri and Buchanan, 2004 – cited in Clark and Rumbold, 2006);
Reading Books Coming Home
Access to reading materials at the correct level is vital in setting children up to succeed in reading. Carefully matched reading books will be sent home for your children to read independently or read to you.
They will know all of the sounds used in the text because they match the sounds in the books they are being taught in class. This means they will be able to read the text with fluency and confidence – like a storyteller. They will enjoy reading to someone else or to themselves.
This does not mean the text is too easy for them – it means they are reading at the correct level. We do not send texts home the children cannot read because we always want them to be set up to succeed in their reading.
EYFS and KS1
Read Write Inc. Book Bag Book – This book will be changed weekly by their group teacher and is matched to your child’s RWI group. Please have this book in school every day.
Colour Banded Book (a range of reading scheme books) - This book is for parents to share with their child and is an enrichment text designed to widen their reading experience. This book will be changed by their class teacher. Please have this book in school every day.
NB. In addition, your child in EYFS or KS1 may also have a school or home library book that they have selected.
Once your child has complete the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, they will no longer receive a RWI book bag book to take home. Instead, please see the provision below.
Reading scheme or Colour Banded Book (range of reading schemes or Oxford Primary scheme books) - This book is designed to build your child's fluency at an age appropriate level and to broaden their reading experience. This book will be changed by their class teacher. Please have this book in school every day.
School or Home Library Book - This book is to encourage your child to develop their own interest in books and is selected by your child.