Numbers to 10
This unit focuses on children’s ability to recognise, represent and manipulate numbers to 10. Children begin by practising and developing their ability to sort and group objects using different criteria, then move on to counting groups of objects up to 10. Children will learn to recognise and count different representations of numbers to 10 and use a ten frame to help structure counting and reasoning. As children become more confident with counting they will be introduced to the appropriate vocabulary of counting: the word ‘digit’ and the written names of each number. They will move on to counting backwards and recognising ‘one more’ as a number increasing and ‘one less’ as a number decreasing. Children will use all these skills to compare and order numbers to 10, using concrete and pictorial representations to support their reasoning. Finally, they will learn about ordinal numbers and be introduced to the number line as a representation of counting one more or one less.
Assessing Mastery:
Children who have mastered this unit will be able to confidently count forwards and backwards to and from 10. They will be able to recognise one more and one less than a number up to 10 and will be able to represent this using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations; they will use this understanding to correctly compare and order numbers.
We will need some maths words. Have you heard any of these before?
sort, groups, pattern, digit, number, count on, count back, count up, one more, one more than, one less, one less than
Take a look at what we will be learning throughout the year.
Maths Fluency
Children in Year 1 will take part in an additional maths lesson each afternoon which will focus on developing their fluency. During these sessions they will engage in practical activities using a Rekenrek and materials from Numberblocks.
Maths fluency means that children will be able to use their skills to know the best way to solve a maths problem. It also means developing number sense and being able to use those skills in a variety of contexts.
Most importantly, maths fluency allows learners to understand the relationship between numbers. It means that not only do they get to grips with how they answer something, but they also understand why they’ve reached their answer.