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PE and Sports Premium

PE & Sports Funding Report 2023-2024 Evaluation

PE & Sport Funding Report 2023-24

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant for last year and how we allocated the funding.


Sports Premium 2022-23 Summary



Our School will receive £17,180 funding for Sports Premium  



Funding contributed to improvement in provision and increased participation through: 

  • All year groups receive lessons from qualified Gymnastic and Dance coaches / practitioners
  • Ensure key stage two pupils participated in Sporting Competitions regularly throughout the year: increased participated with Key Stage One pupils participating in Multi sports events with other primary schools
  • Treble winners of the Catholic Sports Competition 2023
  • After School sporting clubs run throughout the year in both Key stage one and two with qualified coaches
  • Sports leaders - pupil profile raised in school with increase leadership within lessons 
  • Allocation of resources to ensure increased physical activity to support pupil wellbeing

Outcomes from 2022-23 summary:

Sports Premium has supported us in achieving: The School Games Gold Award for the fourth year running, a fantastic result!


The School Games Mark is a government led accreditation award scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process has allowed our school to evaluate PE provision and assist us in developing our action plan.


Our Aims in 2023-24 summary:

Effective communication so that all in our school community know the importance of being active and our school commitment to PE and Sport.

To maintain school games Gold award - a challenge given the size of our school.

Our PE & Sport targets are: increase further participation to ensure PE & Sport participation for all pupils, wider competition for increase age group, pupil leadership & club provision, new sport involvement and further develop further teaching links with our family of MAC schools including our feeder High School - Blessed William Howard
