Home School Link Worker
We are lucky to be able to offer this unique support role within our school. Mr Angelo Fantauzzo offers children support in school, as well as supporting parents/carers and families as a link to school and other agencies of support. Mr Fantauzzo promotes good attendance and punctuality as well as positive behaviour and improves outcomes for our children. More importantly, the children all love him too.
Services provided:
- One to one pupil support.
- Group support with peers or siblings
- Parent support work
- Family support work
- A link to other support agencies
- A contact point for parents.
A few examples of when he might be able to help:
Parents would like help and advice filling in forms (Admission to school, free school meals, housing benefits, social services etc)
Pupils who are experiencing difficulties in their lives - bereavement, separation, illness, friendship difficulties, problems with homework.
Parents who would like help with managing their child's behaviour.