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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium at Blessed Mother Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

The Pupil premium is extra funding of up to £1,480 to support your child’s education. At Blessed Mother

Teresa’s Catholic Primary School we use the extra funding to provide pupils with fair and equal

opportunities so that they achieve well in all areas of the school.


How we use Pupil Premium funds at Blessed Mother Teresa’s Primary School

Our aim is to provide first class education to develop and fulfil the potential of all pupils in our care, and

faith development of our pupils is of paramount importance.

In our school we “learn to live and grow in love by following Jesus.”


At Blessed Mother Teresa’s Catholic Primary School we are passionate about the educational and

personal development of your child. Pupil Premium funds are used to help the pupils in a lots of ways

including academic and non-academic areas. A financial plan lists the different ways in which funds are

used in school. This is used to help with attendance and progress of our pupils. These include:


Progress and Attendance

All school staff help the progress and support of Pupil Premium pupils. They are helped by the

appointment of our Home School Link Worker/Attendance Officer who cares for Pupil Premium pupils in our school.

They also help with excellent attendance at school, as attendance is strongly linked with

academic progress.


Progress of all Pupil Premium pupils, especially in English and Maths

This includes single year group teaching structure, support staff, intervention

opportunities, booster sessions and educational equipment. Teaching Assistants help with pupil

progress alongside the first class teaching in our school.


Pupil Wellbeing

Funding with uniform, educational visits and access to after school clubs, where needed, so that the

individual needs of our pupils are met.


School educational visits and retreats.

This will make sure that all pupils have access to opportunities to help their educational and

personal development. This includes sporting and musical opportunities and the schools

biannual residential visit in Key Stage Two.


Aspiration and Opportunities

Funding to provide support for Pupil Premium pupils so that they can make good choices about

their futures. This also helps pupils to aspire to fulfil their potential to use their God given gifts

and talents.


You can find our financial plan for the year ahead is available on the website and an evaluation of the

impact on standards within our school for pupil premium children in our Pupil Premium Statement.



Who can get the Pupil Premium Funds?

Pupils can get the Pupil Premium if certain criteria are met. These are:

  • Free School Meals Children- children who get, or have had, free school meals in of any the last six years
  • Looked after Children in the care of the local authority
  • Children who are no longer looked after by the local authority due to adoption, guardianship or residence order
  • Service children- children who get the service child premium in any of the previous 4 years as well as those recorded as a service child for the first time this year.


Can your child get the Pupil Premium?

If you think that you may be entitled to receive the Pupil Premium for your child please contact Mrs

Evans in the school office. She will provide you with a form to complete as well as guidance on the

completion of the form.

Please contact Mrs R Woolley the Lead for Pupil Premium pupils in school or Mr Angelo our Home

School Link Worker. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about how our

school can best support your child.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information and for working with us to best support the

education of your child.
