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Last half term was a really busy half term. Our topic was ‘Animals’. We looked at different animals and the habitats they live in. We looked at animals in the jungle, zoo, farm and our pets.

We also enjoyed our Literacy stay and learn and really appreciated the support we had from parents/ carers.

This half term our topic is ‘Transport’ and ‘Summer’ so is set to be really busy. Through this topic we will be looking at different transport and where they travel. We will be looking at transport on the ground, in the sea and in the sky. Thank you to all the parents that have contributed to our planning this half term we will try to cover as much of your suggestions as possible. This half term we have got an ‘Train Station’ role-play indoors and a ‘Pirate Ship’ role-play outdoors.

In Early Years we really encourage and appreciate the input of parents/ carers and if you have any ideas that you have yet to give us that fit into our topic or know of any special interests your child may have please let your child's key person know. If you have any comments, questions or concerns about any part of your child’s time at school please talk to your child’s key person or alternatively Mrs Roberts.

Transport Topic Web

Early Years Curriculum Information 
