Home School Agreement
We value the strong links we have with parents, we work hard together to support all our children. Please find below a copy of the school section of the home school agreement, the full agreement can be found inside each pupil's planner:
School will:
Encourage children to live according to Christian principles, promoting respect for others and themselves
Provide the experience of Catholic worship both in school and as part of the Parish Community
Help to prepare children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation
Aim to ensure that children achieve their full potential as valued members of the school community
Aim to achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building positive relationships and developing a growing sense of responsibility
Provide a broad and balanced curriculum matched to children’s ability and age
Keep parents informed about general school matters, and be open and welcoming at all times
Respond to concerns or complaints raised by parents as quickly and effectively as possible, in an attitude of co-operation and respect.
Mrs C Horton